Building a world-class facility means a tremendous amount of focus on latest technology and high-end equipment. Let us introduce you to some of the state-of-the-art equipment used by us.
New Endodontic Technologies
- Microscope: High-end Magnification and Fiber Optic Illumination help doctors see tiniest of details in your teeth. A tiny video camera on the microscope can record images of your teeth to help document the doctor’s findings. Microscopes are particularly useful in surgeries and root canal treatments.
- Rubber Dam: It is used to isolate the operative side from the rest of the mouth.
- Nickel Titanium Files: State-of-the-art files which can clean and enlarge canals prior to filling and sealing.
- Electric Hand Pieces: Hand pieces (drills) combined with nickel titanium files improve cleaning, shaping, and reduce trauma to the tooth during treatment.
- Electronic Apex Locator: The Root Apex locator aids our endodontist in defining the length of the teeth. The Tri Auto ZX2 from J Morita is a fully automatic root canal length measuring device (apex locator), which provides extremely accurate measurements in all canal conditions. This allows our doctors to perform your endodontic treatment with more accuracy and lesser use of X-Rays.
- Obtura: The Obtura system processes the Thermo-Softened Gutta-Percha to fill, seal, and complete the root canal.
- Ultrasonic Hand Pieces: This device has revolutionized the Endodontic (root end) microsurgery making the surgical correction of root canal problems safer and easier.
- Intra-Oral Camera: Intra-oral cameras can produce accurate images of your teeth and the supporting structures, which allow us to conduct a thorough checkup of your mouth and conduct a better assessment of a patient’s oral care needs.

General Technology
- Digital X-Rays: At our facility, we have ensured minimum radiation exposure for patients due to dental x-rays as we utilise digital radiography equipment, including VistaScan by Durr Dental and KaVo NOMAD Pro 2, for rapid diagnostics providing two-pronged benefits to patients by saving their time and reducing amount of exposure to radiation.
- 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT): is an advanced technology that allows us to view 3D images of a patient’s dental structure, soft tissues, bone, and nerve pathways within the face and mouth.
- Piezo-electric Ultrasonic Scaler: The No-Pain Piezo-electric Ultrasonic Scaler by Acteon adheres to highest European standards and is extremely reliable. It has controlled vibration and straight-line oscillation pattern allowing for high efficiency and low pain.
- Dental loops: Exceptional visibility is a necessity in dentistry right from routine exam to invasive surgical procedure.
- Curing light: The role of Curing Light used by our dentists is very important in order to achieve a proper and complete setting of your filling.
- Philips Zoom: Rhe No.1 patient-requested professional whitening brand is clinically proven to whiten teeth up to eight shades in 45 minutes. With clinically superior results and efficacy compared to other professional whitening alternatives.
- Dental Chairs: Our facility is equipped with 11 high-end dental chairsranging from brands like J Morita to Cingol and all of the boast of features like:
- Best-in-class technology, ergonomics, and design for patient comfort.
- Amazon firestick enabled televisions hosting various streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and etc. to let the patient enjoy endless laughter, thrills, and love while getting the dental treatment done.
- Durr Dental suction and compressors for excellent hygiene.
- J Morita twin power turbine hand piece with superior cutting power and zero intake of contaminated aerosol. These hand-pieces eliminate cross-contamination.
- Picasso AMD Dental Lasers:
- The Laser enables our dental care practice to offer patients the most sophisticated, precise, and minimally invasive technology available in dentistry. They are useful in gum treatment, root canals, and implants.
- Its high affinity for soft tissue makes it an invaluable tool for aesthetic sculpting of gums, accessibility, isolation, and the healing of soft tissue.
- It differs from traditional methods as it is more efficient and, quite often, faster. The energy from this laser light kills the bacteria that can cause gum disease and selectively removes just the diseased tissue.
- There is less post-operative discomfort for the patient and the bacteria levels in affected areas are reduced. There is virtually no collateral damage to healthy tissue in the surrounding areas. Overall, our laser dental procedures are safer and healing time is lesser.
- TekScan (T-Scan): It is a computer that uses an ultra-thin electronic sensor to digitally evaluate a patient’s bite relationships.
Painless Dentistry Technology
- Conscious sedation equipment: Conscious sedation, or laughing gas induced sedation, is a type of sedation in which the sedated individual can respond to verbal directions, but does not respond to pain. Conscious sedation helps to reduce anxiety, discomfort, and pain during procedures. It is used in BDC for people who feel anxious or panicked during procedures like fillings, root canal, implants, and, sometimes, it is also used to calm down children.
- The Wand: The Wand is a computerized tool that can deliver anesthesia in a slow and methodical manner. The slow and gentle delivery associated with The Wand often makes injections painless.
- Dedicated Surgery Room:: Our facility is equipped with 11 high-end dental chairsranging from brands like J Morita to Cingol and all of the boast of features like:
- At BDC, we have a dedicated surgery room for patients who need to undergo an invasive surgical procedure (Implant, Bone Graft, etc.). Unlike a traditional dental practice, where each room is used for all procedures, our clinic provides dedicated surgical set-up for different categories of procedures, which helps optimize the patient’s experience.
- Having a dedicated operatory for surgeries increases safety for patients in a sterile environment. Although each operatory is sterilized after every patient visit, a separate room is known to improve the prognosis of surgeries. A dedicated surgical suite turns an ideal medical environment into a reality.
Our surgery room is equipped with:
- PRF Machine (Choukroun PRF duo system)
- Intra oral welder (Dentsply Sirona)
- Piezo surgery unit (Piezotome cube from Acteon)
- Physio dispenser
- Nitrous oxide conscious sedation system
- Magnetic mallet (Sweden & Martin)
- Densah bur kits for Osseodensification to preserve bone, enhances healing, and enhanced implant stability.
- Dask sinus kit
- Soft tissue Laser (Picasso AMD, Dentsply Sirona)
- Emergency Handling: Chairs are equipped with oxygen, multipara monitor, pulse oximeter, defibrillators, B.P. apparatus, and glucometer.
Digital Dentistry AT BDC
- In modern-age digital dentistry, the four basic phases of work are image acquisition, data preparation/processing, production, and clinical application on patients.
- Image acquisition, the first operational phase of digital dentistry, is employed using powerful tools such as
- Digital cameras by SHOFU
- Intraoral scanners by Medit:
- CBCT by Durr Dental
- Computer aided designing (CAD) by Exocade
- Computer aided milling (CAM) by CEREC
- Digital Printing by Nextden
- Digital smile design: Digital photography, combined with the use of appropriate software for image processing, allows us to design a patient’s smile virtually. This digital smile design has become a valuable tool for pre-visualization and communication in modern aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry.
- Orthodontics: They are useful in diagnosis and in the design of a whole series of custom devices, such as invisible aligners.

- CAD/CAM restorations: Intraoral scanners allow us to take accurate optical impression of the dental arches, using only a beam of light. The optical impression is now supplanting the classic method that included tray and impression materials, which was never liked by patients and often produced technical difficulties. The latter is likely to disappear over the next few years. The information on dento-gingival tissues acquired from an optical impression can be used not only for making a diagnosis and for communication, but also to design and mill CAD/CAM restorations. CAD/CAM technology enables dental restorations on same-day that would otherwise require two or more visits to complete.
- Implant surgery: Optical impressions allow useful data to be obtained for the planning of implant operations. Information on dento-gingival tissues can be combined and overlaid with that relating to the patient’s bone structure obtained from CBCT, by using specific planning software packages. Within these processing software packages, the surgeon can design templates for guided implant placement, which are physically manufactured by milling or 3D printing and used clinically. Implants positioned through a guided surgical procedure can be loaded immediately, using prosthetic restorations in resin that are printed in 3D before the fixtures are positioned. This is known as the “full-digital” technique.
- Our Laboratory (Digimax): In order to provide our patients with the highest level of accuracy, aesthetics, and longevity for all prosthetic work, we have set up our own laboratory. We know that we aren't simply working on teeth; we are improving smiles and lives. Therefore, all our work is done by our expert technicians who work closely with our dentists and our patients to painstakingly ensure precision in each procedure to create a natural smile. Thanks to our own in-house laboratory, we can have your case completed much faster than most clinics. Usually it would take from one to two weeks and multiple fittings/visits between each appointment but having our own lab means that we can complete the work within 48 hours and even lesser for some priority cases coming in from overseas.
- Steam Sterilizer: MELAGPremium-Class B steam sterilizer of the Evolution series combines record of sterilization times, energy-efficiency, intuitive operation, and comprehensive documentation.
- Hygoboxes: Hygoboxes from Durr Dental are robust, damage-resistant, disinfection boxes with 3-litre capacity.
- Ergonomically-shaped carrying handles for safer transport
- Tilt-proof drainage position for the insert
- Specially-shaped slits allow complete draining and prevent instruments from becoming entangled
- Water treatment: The supply of steam sterilizers and washer disinfectors with demineralized water from a MELAG water treatment unit not only brings cost savings, but ensures the best-possible decontamination quality in a practice and clinic setting. The use of high-quality water guarantees optimal value-retention of your steam sterilizer, washer disinfector, and instruments.
- Sealing & Packaging device: We focus a lot on protecting patients and staff with a safe workflow. Instrument packaging assumes an important place in the decontamination process to prevent the recontamination of sterilized instruments and medical products. Our high-performance MELAsealsealing devices perform a reliable and efficient packaging process in a practice and clinic context. The MELAseal series devices seal instruments in film packaging such as MELAfol after cleaning and disinfection and before sterilization in the autoclave.
- Ultrasonic cleaner: Our BioSonic from Coltene enables us to perform ultrasonic cleaning created by high-frequency sound waves. The sound waves create high energy cavitations. During cavitations, millions of tiny bubbles form and, then, implode, releasing enormous amounts of energy and shock waves. This powerful scouring action reaches into minute crevices which cannot be reached by manual scrubbing. The combination of energy and specially formulated solutions make ultrasonic cleaning the most effective method for removing gross and microscopic debris.
- Washer disinfectant: innovative washer disinfectors MELAtherm 10 and MELAtherm 10 Evolution guarantee superior cleaning, disinfection, and drying of medical products for practices and clinics. Automatic cleaning and disinfection not only ensures even better protection for the patients and the practice team, but saves time and money in instrument reprocessing as well. Benefit from the perfect alignment of the MELAtherm 10 washer disinfectors in conjunction with the specially-developed baskets and MEtherm process agents.