Dr. Sonia Gupta is a generous person with maternal instincts and an ever ebullient demeanor. She is passionate about nurturing and carefully preserving the oral health of her patients, and she has done exactly that in her 22-year-old illustrious career. She graduated from JG Dental College and Hospital followed by a Masters in Public Health Dentistry. She has worked as a Senior Resident Dentist at Dr. N. C. Joshi Memorial Hospital and, currently, is a Cosmetic Dentist at BDC. She has completed several internationally-recognized Certificate Courses in various dental specialties like Implantology, Superior Cosmetic Dentistry, and Metal-free prostheses. She specializes in Endodontics, Cosmetic, Implants, Preventive Treatments, and Zoom Teeth Whitening, and has attended numerous conferences and workshops based on them around the world. She looks after the preventive needs of the little ones and adults alike.
Dr. Sonia Gupta believes in minimally invasive dentistry. Her comforting and affectionate communication makes her an instant hit with the patients.
She forms the backbone of the BDC team for all dental procedures. Her competence and experience in cosmetic dentistry is a huge asset to BDC. Furthermore, her gentle and reassuring personality makes her an important cog-in-the-wheel in smooth functioning of our clinics. Her voice has a substantially calming effect on any stigmatic phobia in patients both before and after the treatment. The secret behind her immense success throughout the years is that she merges seamlessly the technical Yang of avant-garde dentistry with the thoughtful Yin of her solicitous desire to promote oral health among the masses.